My Firework Videos

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Democracy on the net?

Blogging comes of age:

A syndication service that delivers commentary from 600 bloggers for use by newspaper publishers is set to launch on Tuesday, further blurring the lines that divide blogs and mainstream media. Read more

I must have jumped the gun when I spoke about democratisation of mobile content. Looks like it is happening on the internet space too. Imakimagine a newspaper full of articles and stories written by citizens of the world. Their opinions and their views which could be unbiased, and not delivered by people who have been embedded into war zones.

Interesting thought eh?

1 comment:

junoesque said...

and imagine having your choice of blogs being delivered hot from the keyboard as they get published. or even as personalised blog-paper(? wonder if one can coin a better phrase )every morning on your computer.
shades of the i-world where everything is customised to our own liking. i-muusic, i-blogs, i-shopping, i-info, i-finances, in short a complete i-life where the individual reigns supreme !!

and where the devil is my invite ?
