My Firework Videos

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

democratisation of mobile content

One man's thrash can be someone else's treasure - that is the way eBay went about making money. By giving the common internet user the ability of put things he did not want and then be able to sell it to someone who wanted that very thing for a price in Timbaktu democratised the internet. Now look at the mobile space. In India everything you want for your mobile phone is available for ten bucks - wall papers of Aishwarya, screen savers of Udita panting away and games where you can kill ten guys with one bullet. The success of the mobile content industry is that it has found a way of monetising what the user wants. The ticket size is small enough to not hurt anyone and the phone bill is the payment gateway (safe and easy).

Suppose there was a way for me to take my content - a small clip of a paper bag flying up into the air (Yes yes American Beauty style) or a pic I took of a mongrel or anything that interests me - and put it up for sale on a portal. You SMS the content code and get it downloaded to your phone. I get a portion of the sale, the operator gets some and the portal makes some money. The best content goes up the scale and so on and so forth. Will that change the dynamics of the game? Will it mean that I can keep sending small things to the portal and get micro payments accumulated over a period of time and get ten dollars every week in my mail box.

Can brands get onto this portal? Can Nokia be interested? Immensely huge potential!! Ok stop drooling - gimme the money to do this!

Another Idea - What if every content piece has a small ticker which says interested in this product? send SMS to 1234 and we will call you. Like I said before I am just getting started.

I guess a few people do read this blog, can you help more people come to this blog and contribute ideas, if you want to contribute send me an email at theaxe(dot)sunil(attherate)gmail(dot)com and I will send you and invite to participate.

innovate or die!

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